After July 2021, the 2.3.x release line will no longer receive quality updates, or user guide updates. PHP 7.3 reaches end of support in December 2021 and Adobe Commerce 2.3.x reaches end of support in September 2022. We strongly recommend planning your upgrade now to Adobe Commerce 2.4.x to help maintain PCI compliance.

Updating a Company Profile

The information on this page is intended for Adobe Commerce 2.3 customers who are on an extended support contract. The Adobe Commerce Merchant Documentation for current releases is published on the Adobe Experience League.
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The company profile can be maintained from the storefront by the company administrator, and also from the Admin by the store administrator.

Company Profile

Company role resources

The Role Resources settings control the ability to:

  • Add a new company
  • Delete a company
  • Apply a balance reimbursement
  • View companies

These role resources must be set for the User Role that the user account is under.

Update a company profile

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Customers > Companies.

  2. Find the company in the grid and click Edit in the Action column.

  3. Update the field values in each section as needed using the field descriptions for reference.

  4. When complete, click Save.

Button bar

Button Description
Back Returns to the Companies page without saving changes.
Delete Company Deletes the company account. The status of user accounts that are associated with the company is set to Inactive and the Company ID is removed from the profiles of user accounts. Information about company activity and transactions is retained in the system.
Reset Restores the original values to any fields with unsaved changes.
Reimburse Balance Allows the administrator to reimburse the balance from store credit, referenced by PO number.
Save Saves changes to the company and keeps the profile open.
Save & Close Saves changes to the company and closes the profile.

Field descriptions

Field Description
Company Name The company name is entered when the company account is first created, and can be a shortened version of the full legal name.
Status Indicates the current state of the company account. Options:
Active - The company account is approved by the store administrator. The company administrator and associated members can log in the account from the storefront and make purchases.
Pending Approval - A request to open a company account has been submitted, but is not yet approved by the store administrator.
Rejected - A request to open a company account was submitted, but not approved by the store administrator. The initial login credentials that were used to submit the request are blocked.
Blocked - Company members can log in and access the catalog, but cannot make purchases. The store administrator might block a company account that is not in good standing. The block on the account can be removed by the store administrator at any time.
Company Email The email address that is associated with the company account.
Sales Representative The Admin user who is the primary contact for the company account.

Account Information

Company Legal Name The full legal name of the company.
VAT / TAX ID The tax or value-added tax number that is assigned to the company for tax reporting purposes.
Reseller ID The resale number that is assigned to the company for tax reporting purposes.
Comment These notes about the company account are for reference and visible only from the Admin.
Legal Address  
Street Address The street address where the company is registered to conduct business.
City The city where the company is registered to conduct business.
Country The country where the company is registered to conduct business.
State/Province The state or province where the company is registered to conduct business.
ZIP/Postal Code The ZIP or postal code where the company is registered to conduct business.
Phone Number The primary phone number of the company.

Company Admin

Job Title The title of the company administrator who manages the company account.
Email The email address of the company administrator can be the same as the company email address. If a different email address is entered, a separate individual account is created for the company administrator in addition to the company account.
Prefix If applicable, the prefix that is associated with the name of the company administrator (such as Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Dr.). Depending on the configuration, the input field might be a text field or list.
First Name The first name of the company administrator.
Middle Name/Initial The middle name or initial of the company administrator.
Last Name The last name of the company administrator.
Suffix If applicable, the suffix that is associated with the name of the company administrator (such as Jr., Sr., or III). Depending on the configuration, the input field might be a text field or list.
Gender The gender of the company administrator. Options: Male / Female / Not Specified

Company Credit

Credit Currency The currency that is accepted by the store for purchases on company credit.
Credit Limit The credit limit that is extended to the company account.
Allow to Exceed Credit Limit Indicates if the company has permission to exceed the credit limit. Options: Yes / No
Reason for Change A note that explains why the company is allowed, or disallowed to exceed the credit limit. This field is active only if the permission to exceed the credit limit changes.

Advanced Settings

Customer Group Indicates the customer group or shared catalog that is assigned to the company.
Allow Quotes Determines if company members can prepare and submit negotiable quotes on behalf of the company.
Applicable Payment Methods Indicates the payment methods that are available for company purchases. Options: B2B Payment Methods / All Enabled Payment Methods / Specific Payment Methods
Payment Methods (Admin Only) Becomes active if specific payment methods are indicated. To select multiple payment methods, hold down the Ctrl key (PC) or the Command key (Mac) and click each option.